Wednesday, August 8, 2012

We don’t deliver Presentations; we deliver Monologues!!!

After going through my first ever power point presentation yesterday in the US, I was high up on cloud #9. People were telling me I was a good presenter. My professor was happy; everyone else was happy, and obviously, so was I!!! I had a huge smile on my face and my nose was high up in the air (c’mon, it’s okay to be a little snooty)! I called my parents later that night to tell them about it all. My mom was happy and said she was proud. My dad said he was sure I was going to deliver a ‘kick ass’ presentation! I promoted myself to cloud #99 since both my parents complimenting me at the same time is not something that happens on a daily basis! I was gushing on the phone about how someone said that I was passionate and animated when I was talking! My dad said, “That’s because you didn’t deliver a presentation girl, you delivered a monologue as if you were up on stage!” And that was the moment when it all fit!
When I was doing theatre in college, a guy who helped me with one of the plays always said that portraying a character on stage isn’t about being that character, it’s about just being in that moment in the scene. It was wonderful advice but it was vague. How do you ‘be’ in any moment? I just smiled at him and told him to only give me advice which I could understand!!! But now, about 3 years later, I finally know what he was trying to tell me! To ‘be in the moment’, you need to be passionate about what you are doing. Then the ‘being in the moment’ factor comes in naturally. In the presentation, I could convey what I wanted to, to the audience because I ‘m in love with the work I do! That is all it takes to get someone interested, whether in a character you play onstage or the work you present in a workshop. You need to emote and show how much what you’re doing means to you. Passion is the only thing that will make you feel good and happy about yourself. It drives you to do better, to make a difference. It gives meaning to your life. By saying this I don’t mean you need to be into all the big stuff like work and career and life in general. That is needed but being passionate about small things also helps. Like cooking or running or knitting! Just remember that you need to fall in love with whatever you do; and if that is not possible, what you are doing is just not worth your time!!!